“As a mother of three children, I have been very used to my children having a multitude of ailments as they have grown up and I have used complementary medicine as an option instead of always going down the GP route.

I first contacted Chris when my middle daughter, who was 4 years old at the time developed mild eczema on her legs. I didn’t want to apply the harsh creams usually prescribed for such conditions by the GP and found homeopathy was exactly what I’d been looking for. Chris invested time in understanding my daughter by talking about the pregnancy, birth, her first few weeks, her likes and dislikes as well as her skin. Getting to know what makes a child feel good as well as what upsets them is all part of the homeopathic approach.

Following that first appointment I have approached Chris over many issues. One which she has been particularly involved in has been my eldest daughter’s anxiety at secondary school. My daughter suffered from acid reflux, IBS, panic attacks and tummy cramps. Tests and treatments with a paediatric gastroenterologist had not yielded results and an upper endoscopy under general anaesthetic was being suggested. As a mother it was a huge relief to have an alternative source of help to go to. Chris took time to talk to my daughter, understand her fears and worries and work through those as well as being able to apply a suitable remedy. Her physical and emotional problems resolved without further intervention and as a result my daughter was able to complete her GCSE year.

It has been a huge relief knowing homeopathy is out there. Meeting Christine and using her services has helped my family and we will continue to do so as life’s challenges come our way.”

These are the success stories of some of my clients. They appear with the consent and approval from the individuals concerned.

Always check with your GP or other health professional if you have any concerns about your health.