“I love the holistic nature of homeopathy. I’ve consulted a homeopath for my children since they were very young, preferring to use the gentle way in which it encourages the body to heal itself to the harsher medicines often recommended by GPs. Some of the remedies have been nothing short of miraculous e.g., childhood eczema flareup clearing with a few days.

It is interesting that homeopathy works at several levels within the body, not just the physical elements, and that it works on the underlying causes, not just the symptoms.

I cannot underestimate the impact that homeopaths have had on the health of my loved ones and myself over the years.

Working with Chris as your homeopath you can be sure of a very personalised and supportive service. She quickly puts you at ease, takes time to understand you and your issues before agreeing a way forward.”

These are the success stories of some of my clients. They appear with the consent and approval from the individuals concerned.

Always check with your GP or other health professional if you have any concerns about your health.