
“As a mother of three children, I have been very used to my children having a multitude of ailments as they have grown up and I have used complementary medicine as an option instead of always going down the GP route. I first contacted Chris when my middle daughter, who was 4 years old at [...]


Tim, a 45-year-old stockbroker, first came for treatment in October for chronic relapsing respiratory complaints. Diagnosed as asthmatic at 8, he explained that the change to autumnal damp and cold heralded the annual onset of ill health. During the previous winter he calculated he’d had eight courses of antibiotics. He described it as ‘slugging me [...]


“I love the holistic nature of homeopathy. I’ve consulted a homeopath for my children since they were very young, preferring to use the gentle way in which it encourages the body to heal itself to the harsher medicines often recommended by GPs. Some of the remedies have been nothing short of miraculous e.g., childhood eczema [...]


A few days into the New Year an email came in from Ryan’s wife, Nikki. She wrote, ‘Ryan’s been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. He’s had psoriasis for a few years, just a couple of small patches on his leg. Over the past year he’s started to ache in his joints: wrists, ankles, feet, and the [...]


With the onset of Spring my phone starts to ring with enquiries from people suffering from hay fever and allergies. I remember one patient in her twenties Natalie, who had suffered with chronic and debilitating hay fever symptoms since primary school. Conventional treatment hadn’t helped, and she was highly irritable and severely itchy. ‘I’ve gone [...]


Of all the enquiries I receive from women, the most common subject concerns the menopause and the years leading up to it known as the peri menopause. Such a patient, Mandy, came to me suffering with chronic sleep loss brought about by night sweats and work worries. It had been going on for three years [...]

Lindsey’s Story

According to the NHS website on the subject, around one in five people with shingles will get post-herpetic neuralgia. The main symptom is intermittent or continuous nerve pain in the areas of the skin previously affected by shingles. The pain can be described as burning, aching, throbbing, shooting or like electric shocks. Lindsey was principally [...]


‘IBS is a common condition that affects the digestive system and is usually a lifelong problem. It can be frustrating to live with and have a big impact on your daily life’, according to the NHS website. This is not what Katy, in her 20s, wanted to hear. An ambitious young woman with high standards, [...]


When Lorna consulted me in February for thrush she was really fed up. ‘I’ve had four prescriptions of Canesten since last summer,’ she said. ‘It’s something I just can’t get on top of.  Some months are better than others, but the soreness is always there. On top of that there’s an embarrassing lemon-yellow discharge, sometimes [...]


“Homeopathy has always appealed to me as it treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own natural healing ability. I approached Chris for help with my children’s ailments and health concerns after having such a positive experience of it for myself. Chris has such a wonderful way with the [...]