When Lorna consulted me in February for thrush she was really fed up. ‘I’ve had four prescriptions of Canesten since last summer,’ she said. ‘It’s something I just can’t get on top of.  Some months are better than others, but the soreness is always there. On top of that there’s an embarrassing lemon-yellow discharge, sometimes with a fishy smell to it.’

The chances are you will understand Lorna’s annoyance. Up to 75 out of 100 women have a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their life 1.  It’s a condition which is both intensely physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing.

Like Lorna, many of the women I see in my practice have been taking lengthy prescriptions for months on end.  Once the antifungal medication is stopped, symptoms return, often more violently, and the cycle is repeated.  ‘It’s the relentlessness of it. I’m exhausted,’ she said.

When considering which homeopathic remedy best suited Lorna, we looked at all her symptoms. She was surprised that most could be explained by the candida overgrowth itself which alters the balance of digestive flora.

You too may be surprised at the diverse range of symptoms suggestive of the condition. They include:

  • Severe bloating after meals – even after avoiding likely culprits such as dairy or wheat
  • Excessive wind
  • Food cravings – especially sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates
  • Food allergies and food intolerances
  • Fungal infections of the skin or nails, athlete’s foot
  • Mental symptoms such as mood swings, lethargyfatigue and brain fog
  • Itching – skin, ear, rectum, vagina
  • Hormonal issues such as irregular periods, painful menstruation, PMS and low sex drive
  • Weight imbalances
  • Immune depletion leading to hay fever, sinusitis and cystitis.

Lorna’s treatment plan included a personalised remedy incorporating her overall physical and emotional health as well as her specific thrush symptoms. She also adjusted her diet which, by her own admission, included too much sugar.

The aim of homeopathic treatment is to remove uncomfortable symptoms and prevent reoccurrence.

Six weeks after starting homeopathic treatment, Lorna reported a reduction of all her symptoms and the complete disappearance of the odour of the discharge.  The bloating which had made her so uncomfortable within half an hour of eating, had reduced to the point where she wasn’t aware of it in the same way as before.

Five months on, she was getting sore skin from time to time ‘but nowhere near as bad as before. It’s definitely improved.’

Lorna says, ‘Chris had treated me previously for other ailments using homeopathy, so I asked her whether homeopathy might be able to help with the recurrent thrush too. She takes the time to listen to exactly what the problem is, while also providing some very helpful, practical advice to consider alongside the homeopathy treatment. The remedy Chris used, together with the dietary changes, really made a difference to the symptoms and have definitely improved things for me.’

1 Ref https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK543220

These are the success stories of some of my clients. They appear with the consent and approval from the individuals concerned.

Always check with your GP or other health professional if you have any concerns about your health.