Tim, a 45-year-old stockbroker, first came for treatment in October for chronic relapsing respiratory complaints. Diagnosed as asthmatic at 8, he explained that the change to autumnal damp and cold heralded the annual onset of ill health. During the previous winter he calculated he’d had eight courses of antibiotics. He described it as ‘slugging me down.’ At the time of his first consultation he was taking Seretide and Singulair. Both medicines are used to help prevent breathing problems and asthma attacks. Despite this he was an active cyclist.

A full history uncovered Tim’s worsening health from childhood tonsilitis to adolescent bronchitis and repeated chest infections. He also suffered from bouts of sinusitis, which often didn’t respond to antibiotics and gave him ‘the worst hangover when you wake up.’ With pressure round his eyes and nose and a postnasal drip he constantly had to breathe through his mouth and snored as a consequence. ‘Sometimes my trachea feels full of gunge,’ he said.

Tim also reported an aversion to dairy products, particularly the ‘fatty horrible bits in cow’s milk’ and had been using rice milk as a substitute.

He was prescribed a daily dose of a homeopathic remedy in liquid form. The day after starting the remedy he reported that he had felt ‘something unblocking in his nose’ immediately. Over the following days the mucus increased and the feeling of heaviness around the eyes and nose reduced. Tim was worried about the mucus discharge and, in the knowledge he had a foreign holiday the following week, he made an appointment with his GP. The doctor could find no evidence of infection and prescribed a course of antibiotics.

I explained that the discharge was a sign that his body was ridding itself of the unwanted ‘gunge’ in response to the stimulus of the remedy. He wasn’t convinced and took the antibiotics.

4 weeks on we had a quick call. Tim said ‘I would say the remedy has helped me considerably and I have been generally well since we spoke.’

14 weeks after his first consultation, Tim reported that he had had only one further course of antibiotics, visiting his GP immediately as he suspected a chest infection and couldn’t afford any time off for illness.

Shortly after this a dry eczema like rash appeared on Tim’s face and chest, something he had had in the past. I explained that past symptoms recurring were common during homeopathic treatment and should disappear spontaneously and not need treatment. The rash lasted 10 days before resolving by itself.

Tim remained well the following winter, apart from one chest infection following a bout of flu that went round the office.

20 months after the initial consultation he had a review with the asthma nurse and halved his dosage of Seretide.

I last heard from Tim 10 years ago when he came back for advice on something else. He was feeling resilient and said, ‘I’m having a good winter and feeling strong. As such, I feel like I am embracing the season rather than longing for the summer – plenty of cycling pre sunrise on the way to work and spinning classes at the weekend followed by swimming in the outdoor pool; something I wouldn’t have dreamt of a few years ago for fear of promoting a response from the chest.’

These are the success stories of some of my clients. They appear with the consent and approval from the individuals concerned.

Always check with your GP or other health professional if you have any concerns about your health.