Some women take the Pill and sail through the experience with no obvious ill effects.

Others, like Megan, really struggle with its unwanted effects and it throws them out in dramatic and unexpected ways.

An artistic and dedicated young woman attending teacher training college, she had been prescribed the Pill for heavy periods two years previously.  It hadn’t suited her at all. She questioned whether she would be able to complete her training.  The unwanted symptoms she listed, all known effects of the Pill, were serious and limited her life. Chief amongst these depression and migraine with on-going headaches.  Also on the unenviable list, vivid dreams leaving her waking unrefreshed and feeling anxious with sweaty palms and hot flashes, craving certain foods, and becoming sensitive to things she had previously eaten without problems.

Since stopping the Pill some nine months before our consultation, her periods had become highly irregular and sometimes didn’t appear at all.  Her lower back pain had returned with the onset of each period and her flow had been highly abnormal, almost necessitating a trip to A & E on one occasion.

For a young lady about to embark on the second year of demanding training she was exhausted.  ‘I don’t know where I stand. It’s impossible to organise or prepare anything.’

The remedy prescribed for Megan is one of a number that homeopaths think of using when trying to help women who have never been well since taking the Pill and have real trouble re-establishing their natural rhythm when they come off. 

We calculated Megan’s period should start some two weeks after taking the first dose of her remedy. ‘I started yesterday on time which is pretty unusual!’ she confirmed when I rang a fortnight later. ‘I’ve definitely felt more creative and decided to renovate our living room.’

Four months later I caught up with her at the end of her first term back at Uni. ‘My periods are still very regular and there’s no pain.  It’s so much nicer feeling prepared, so much more manageable.’ 

Megan says,

‘Having regular and pain free periods was a relief – it was one less thing to think about every day and something that I didn’t have to ‘deal with’ anymore. I got into a good rhythm and was able to focus on treating other health concerns with medication.

Homeopathy was completely new to me, but I was running out of solutions and willing to try anything. Chris has been so thorough with explaining how homeopathy works, and really listened to my symptoms and feelings when prescribing me remedies. I think of it as healing the physical and emotional, mind and body, as they are incredibly connected.’

These are the success stories of some of my clients. They appear with the consent and approval from the individuals concerned.

Always check with your GP or other health professional if you have any concerns about your health.